Building Bridges, Empowering Youth in the Western Balkans

130 diverse young persons were engaged in five consultations in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Kosovo* and Serbia exploring on the topics of social cohesion and gender equality. With the aim of building trust among communities and fostering constructive narratives that promote inclusivity and understanding, we delved into strategies for countering hate speech and addressing the harmful effects of toxic masculinity.

Strengthening accountability mechanisms and enhancing youth participation were also key areas of discussion. The consultation promote shared values and equal opportunities for all, paving the way for a more harmonious and equitable society. This video was created during the youth consultations for the regional research part of “Youth for Inclusion Equality and Trust” program, financed by UN Peace Building Fund, implemented by UN Women, UNESCO, UNDP & UNFPA.

#stopfemicide #futureisYOUth
*(UNSCR 1244)