UN system coordiantion

When different parts of the multilateral system act together, they can deliver greater results—and maximize the use of available resources. UN Women is mandated to lead, and coordinate UN efforts to advance the full realization of women’s rights and opportunities. The UN General Assembly has called on all parts of the UN system to promote gender equality and the empowerment of women within their mandates, and ensure that commitments on paper lead to progress on the ground.
Towards these ends, UN Women helps strengthen effective UN action on the global, regional and national levels. We help bolster capacities to make achieving gender equality central to programmes and policies, advocate for greater resources, and guide and implement joint development programmes. We support measures upholding accountability for commitments to women, and have a key role in increasing knowledge about women’s status in the United Nations.
In Albania, the United Nations works closely with the Government and other partners including civil society, academia and the private sector, to fight poverty, strengthen the rule of law, empower women, promote human rights, protect the environment and support economic and social reforms.
The United Nations Country Team (UNCT) in Albania consists of 19 UN agencies, funds and programmes working together to contribute to the country’s development priorities.
The current Albania-United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) 2022-2026 combines the expertise of 19 UN Agencies, working together to contribute to Albania’s development priorities:
- accession to the European Union (EU),
- the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) agenda and
- Albania’s nationalized SDG targets, with a focus on the quality of health and education, good governance and rule of law, public service provision, and effective response and recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Cooperation Framework is fully aligned to strategic country priorities and includes a dedicated outcome on gender equality, which will support Albania consolidate and accelerate progress on SDG 5 and other SDG gender targets.
UN Women is a key member of the UN Country Team, participates actively in joint programming and leads UN efforts on gender equality. It chairs the UN Gender Thematic Results Group (GTRG), that works to strengthen UN accountability on gender equality, design and roll out joint advocacy campaigns, and serve as a conversation platform on key issues that affect gender equality and the empowerment of women.