EU for Gender Equality II

EU for Gender Equality II – Gender Equality Facility in Albania supports Albania’s efforts to align with EU gender equality standards, ensuring that women and men, girls and boys benefit from equal opportunities. UN Women leads the three-year project (November 2024 - November 2027), that aims to strengthen government capacities to integrate gender perspectives into laws, policies, and programs at both central and local levels. With a budget of EUR 2 million, funded by the European Union, it collaborates with key institutions, including the Prime Minister’s Office, the State Agency of Strategic Programming and Aid Coordination (SASPAC), ministries, local governments, and the Albanian Institute of Statistics (INSTAT).
The intervention aims to enhance gender-responsive governance, improve policies through better data and statistics and strengthen institutions for greater gender equality in Albania. Key results include revising laws and strategies in line with the EU Gender Equality acquis, expanding gender-responsive local action plans, and improving the collection, analysis and use of gender data.
Through capacity-building, policy reforms, and awareness-raising activities, the project will help create a more gender equal society. This initiative is a step forward in Albania’s EU integration journey, ensuring sustainable progress towards equality and non-discrimination.