Albania reviews its Gender Equality Law


Civil society representatives at the consultation meeting for the revision of the Gender Equality Law. Photo: UN Women
Civil society representatives at the consultation meeting for the revision of the Gender Equality Law. Photo: UN Women

17 September 2024 - The revision of Albania’s 2008 Gender Equality Law is underway, as a concrete action following recommendations received by the UN Committee on the rights of women (UN CEDAW). With technical support from UN Women, the revised law went through a series of consultations organized by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection with civil society organizations, the private sector and international partners. While the existing law was instrumental in advancing gender equality in the country, revisions are needed to align it with current international standards and EU gender equality acquis.

At the recent international conference “Charting the Future: 30 Years after Beijing – Effective institutional mechanisms for gender equality and the advancement of women”, organized by UN Women, the Government of Albania (hosting the event) confirmed its intention – with the revised law - to accelerate the elimination of gender based discrimination in both the public and private spheres, promote the effective application of the legal principle of equal participation of men and women, and to systematically mainstreaming gender across government action, including through a reinvigorated institutional mechanism for gender equality.

For more on the history of this law and how the UN has advocated for its revision, read here