Animated testimonial video “Implementing norms, changing lives in Albania”

In 2017, the European Union, UN Women and women’s rights organizations embarked on a journey together – a journey to change mindsets and social norms to end violence against women in Albania. The animated testimonial video "Changing minds, changing lives" features the real stories of three women from Albania who were part of this journey and who underwent a transformative change in the last six years, thanks to the EU-funded regional programme “Implementing Norms, Changing Minds.” This video…

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Stop blaming girls

Date: Thursday, 19 December 2019

In Albania, one in ten women have experienced sexual violence at least once during their life. Many do not report it due to victim blaming culture and stigma. This video brings awareness and asks the public to listen, believe and support survivors.

No means no

Date: Thursday, 19 December 2019

During the 16 Days of Activism, we talked about consent and the culture of rape. In Albania, the famous girls from Anabel Magazine and TV host Dojna Mema joined in the conversation. They face myths and facts about sexual violence, consent and reflect on zero tolerance to violence.

Social experiment in Albania

Date: Wednesday, 18 December 2019

Sexual violence should never be justified. But too often we hear the lines: “She was drunk”, “She asked for it”, “What was she wearing?”. We conducted a social experiment in Tirana, Albania. This is how some people responded to a rape news.

Football fans of Tirona in support of HeForShe

Date: Tuesday, 2 July 2019

Fans of Tirona football team singing “Kur kendoj per ty moj nene” (When I sing for you my mother) in support of the HeForShe solidarity movement

Football fans of Partizani in support of HeForShe

Date: Monday, 1 July 2019

Fans of Partizani football team sing “Kenga e nenes” (Mother’s song) in support of the HeForShe solidarity movement.

Women International Film Festival in Albania

Date: Tuesday, 11 June 2019

The "Women International Film Festival” was organized in Tirana, Albania from 8-11 March 2019 to commemorate International Women’s Day. The festival, focused on "gender-based violence", organized by UN Women Albania in partnership with the Albanian National Center of Cinematography. The festival featured several documentaries, in addition to long and short movies by various international and national filmmakers, free and open to the public.

Achieve Gender Equality by 2030

Date: Monday, 17 December 2018

There can be no development without gender equality! It's up to all of us to achieve gender equality. United Nations and UN Women in Albania call on society to support the empowerment of women and girls everywhere!

Të arrijmë barazi gjinore deri në 2030

Date: Thursday, 6 December 2018

Nuk mund të kemi zhvillim pa barazi gjinore! Na takon të gjithëve që ta bëjmë realitet. Kombet e Bashkuara dhe UN Women i bëjnë thirrje të gjithë shoqërisë për të mbështetur fuqizimin e grave dhe vajzave, kudo!

Защищая права женщин-рома – история Маниолы, Албания

Date: Monday, 19 November 2018

Насилие в отношении женщин в Албании является обычным явлением, причем почти 60% женщин в возрасте 15-49 лет признаются, что они подвергаются домашнему насилию. Когда насилие происходит в доме семьи-рома, полиция зачастую бездействует. Женщины, подвергшиеся насилию, особенно если они бедны, необразованные и безработны, не осведомлены о своих правах, не знают, как найти убежище и получить доступ к услугам.Люди другой национальности, со своим языком, культурой, традициями и обычаями, рома…

Defending the human rights of Roma women – Manjola’s story, Albania

Date: Monday, 19 November 2018

Violence against women in Albania is common, with nearly 60 percent of women aged 15-49 saying they have experienced domestic violence. When domestic violence occurs in a Roma household, police are often indifferent. Abused Roma women, particularly if they are poor, uneducated and unemployed, are unaware of their human rights and how to find shelters and access services.A diverse people with their own language, culture, traditions and customs, Roma often suffer discrimination and exclusion…

Don’t let yourself become one of them

Date: Monday, 27 August 2018

Women and girls fall victims of trafficking through many ways. Say NO to human trafficking and report trafficking cases in the free number 116 006 or download the application “Raporto Shpëto” video has been prepared by UN Women in Albania with the support of the Ministry of Interior in October 2015 during the anti-trafficking month to raise awareness on human trafficking. UN Women is working to prevent human trafficking by…

Women and Men in Albania – Gender Statistics

Date: Monday, 27 August 2018

Inequalities between women and men in Albania in different areas such as birth, education, employment and decision making based on “Women and Men 2018” publication. A comprehensive data collection for better policy making to advance gender equality.

Head of UN Agencies in Albania have a message for you

Date: Thursday, 4 January 2018

One in two women in Albania experience some form of violence.Heads of United Nations Agencies in Albania, appeal to men and women to engage massively and report violence and discrimination against women and girls.This is a call to join forces and engage if we want to achieve gender equality by 2030.

Vote for equal representation in Albania

Date: Thursday, 4 January 2018

Ten years ago, Albania had only nine women MPs. Gender quota were applied for the first time in the parliamentary elections of 2009 and the number of women MPs increased to 23. However, their representation was only 16%. Four years later, only two more women became part of the Parliament and 46.6% of voters were women and girls.Albania is still far from the European average of 29% women in parliament. Globally, it is ranked at 78th place.A woman in Parliament is one voice more for half of…

Religious Youth against Gender Based and Domestic Violence

Date: Thursday, 4 January 2018

Religious communities in ‪Albania are an example of interfaith harmony for the world! In this video religious youth of four different communities call for a world free from violence against women and girls.This film is part of the UNiTE campaign in Albania implemented by UN Women, UNDP and UNFPA and it was prepared by Qendra 'Femijet Sot'.

HeForShe in Stadiums - Best Moments

Date: Wednesday, 30 August 2017

The best moments from the HeForShe in Stadiums 2016 initiative in Albania. Thousands of football fans in Albania were engaged through the HeForShe mobile application and they actively supported the initiative from October to December 2016.