An unprecedented number of private companies in Albania join the 16 Days of Activism with pro bono support and donations to shelters
Logos are a sensitive detail to the identity of a corporate, business or institution and yet, many of such entities in Albania accepted the challenge of changing the color of their logos into orange in order to support the Orange the World campaign and help address the shadow pandemic of violence against women and girls.Date:

Around 150 private companies, public institutions, media outlets, civil society organizations, sports associations, youth groups, universities, etc., ‘oranged’ their virtual spaces during the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence. In early November, UN Women Albania launched the ‘Orange your Logo’ initiative by inviting everyone to join forces and take action to support survivors, share information on the prevention of violence against women and girls, and donate to women’s organizations. Orange-colored logos and awareness-raising messages were posted and shared on multiple social media accounts, thus galvanizing an orange movement. Dozens of government institutions and municipalities around the country also oranged their physical premises and virtual spaces.
Similarly, some private companies donated to shelters and provided pro bono support by making advertising space available.
“The 16 Days of Activism is an opportunity to propel concrete action against gender-based violence. We are glad that private companies in Albania joined UN Women call to make donations to shelters that provide services to survivors of violence, that are so much in need at this time of uncertainties because of the pandemic. Many women’s organizations, crisis centers, helplines and shelters have had funding cuts and are struggling to continue service delivery. The financial impact of COVID-19 is preventing women’s organizations from delivering services and limiting their ability to advocate for policy reforms,” highlighted Michele Ribotta, UN Women Representative in Albania.
Intermedica, the largest medical laboratory chain in Albania has committed to provide free COVID-19-related blood tests to 50 survivors of violence in the next six months. When the pandemic is at its peak and abused women have little to no financial income, this could be a life-saving contribution. “Our motto is ‘Life Needs Care.’ And we care about women and girls, especially those who need our attention the most,” said Enxhi Mero, Intermedica’s Marketing Director.
Tirana East Gate (TEG), the largest shopping mall in Albania, offered pro bono advertising space. Campaign messages targeting men and boys and emergency numbers were frequently displayed on LED screens all around the mall throughout the 16 days of activism. An exhibition entitled ‘Ten women, ten life stories' was on display in the shopping mall area, visible to all visitors. “Women and girls are vital to us as customers as well as staff members. We can’t imagine a world without happy and safe girls and women. We are delighted to join the 16 Days campaign and make our contribution,” said TEG’s marketing department representatives.
Similarly, the Tring TV Network and Living Publishing House donated TV subscriptions and books to four shelters in Tirana. “Companies should join campaigns like this one more often and should contribute to their communities. A modest contribution; but made with great love. This year, in particular, it is more important than ever to support and help each other,” said Elisa Mulgeci, Chief Commercial Officer at Tring and Living.
Sports associations, such as TiRun and women cyclists, proudly engaged in and supported the 16 Days of Activism both online and offline. Men’s football and basketball clubs, including Vllaznia and Goga Basket, also joined the campaign, making a strong stand against gender-based violence.
The 16 Days of Activism should not end here! We need to orange our minds; not just the world or the logos. Violence against women must end! We are Generation Equality!